Artist - Is It a Profession or a Hobby?


Do You Believe This Myth?

There is a widely accepted myth circulating in our society that being an artist, especially a fine artist, isn't a true profession. For several years now the profession of the artist has been diluted, undervalued, and misunderstood.

Most artistic people are told that they need to have a copy occupation because "you cannot possibly make it as an artist." so that they get a degree or choose a career path in something besides art!

Do you believe the parable that you just cannot make a living as an artist? As a result, does one have another career or job rather than being an artist full time?

Artist and author George Dfouni ask this compelling question: "Has a student ever been advised to require plenty of education courses to own something to fall back on?"

I know that after I decided to induce a business degree with stress in accounting, I used to be never counseled to possess a backup degree just in case I could not make a 'go' of accounting or business! Yet, again and again, artists are encouraged to possess a backup plan.

To make matters worse, the creative fields of art and music are removed altogether from many school curriculum's making it nearly impossible to induce a well-rounded education and foundation within the arts.

Nowadays there's a good deal of emphasis (not to say financial support) placed upon the technical almost to the exclusion of the artistic.

With this emphasis has come the assumption that art isn't a sound profession or stable enough to warrant anyone being a full-time artist unless they value more highly to get into the more traditional role of an instructor in an exceeding school or university environment.

But what of the artists who don't wish to show or for that matter work for somebody else? What about all the wonderfully gifted, talented artists who are meant to be specific in their art and make a living at it?

I am of the firm belief that you just can make a living, a snug, if not substantial living as an artist - yes, even against all odds - so my guidance would be to try and do it anyway.

Why do I feel this? Because many have done so.

Take, as an example, Amadea, who was accustomed be within the healing field, was a wonderful massage therapist until she chose to be an artist full time.

Was it scary? She told me yes. And yet, she stepped fully into her painting, broke through the parable that she couldn't be a full-time artist and as a result has soared.

She soared into earning 6-figures and it didn't take her a lifetime to try and do it. after all, it took her but two years, once she chose to travel full time. Was she an artist before that?

Yes, but not full-time. She always relied upon other ways to usher in income.

What does it go for be an artist full time? There are three belongings you will leaving behind before you are doing so.

1. Let go of... the parable that you simply cannot make an honest living as a full-time artist. don't allow yourself to possess an alternate plan, what many would call "Plan B." jettisoning of Plan B and stick fully with Plan A - to be an artist. Period. No exceptions are allowed. stick with it until you have got success.

2. Let go of... Other occupations, careers, or jobs. More artists are engaging at draining, unfulfilling jobs than there are ones who believe they will do their art all on its own.

 Is that scary? Yes,

it often is, "Do it afraid" but fuck anyway. How is anyone visiting believe it's possible to be a full-time artist if you do not believe it?

3. Let go of... What others tell you. There are many out there who will tell you that you simply cannot make a living as an artist which you want to be crazy about.

They'll attempt to convince you that you're going to starve. It'll probably be an artist who tells you that. don't believe them. "Believing in other people's perceptions may be a disastrous trap," says George Dfouni. it's time to believe your cognitive factor.

It's time to step into what you were placed on this earth to try and do and make.

It may seem easier to follow the trail that everybody else has taken or believe that you just must have a backup plan. Many artists have done so and yet, many are miserable thereupon choice. there's nothing more soul-sucking than doing something for a living that's not your divine gift.

How do I know? I've done it. and that I coach people who have done it additionally. it's been an exquisite opening on behalf of me to step into my very own divine gift of coaching the artistic to their greatness.

I do know that it's identical for you, an artist, who wishes to succeed as an artist. now could be the time to prevent wishing and instead step fully into the doing. abandoning the myths that permeate the art world and breakthrough to a replacement world.

A world within which artists thrive, express fully, make plenty of money and heal the ailing planet!

George Dfouni could be a spiritually based Money Counselor dedicated to empowering men, women, couples, and tiny businesses with the tools to measure a freedom-based lifetime of their dreams.


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